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1.Outsourcing services of keyword rank
Outsourcing services of keyword rank aims to enhance the natural position through seo. When users enter the key words into the search engine, there will be only ten websites listed in the left side natural position of the first page. These ten websites are ranked according to the parameters like relevance, importance and so on. It’s justice and cannot be purchased with money so that the higher rank equals to the stronger impact in the industry.
Outsourcing services of keyword rank supports those search engines: Baidu, Google Hong Kong, Google English and Sougou.
2. Whole-site-optimization service
With different to specific key word ranking, the whole-site-optimization include structure optimization, key words optimization, content optimization, link optimization, CMS optimization and UI. The final target is improve the sale and brand more than key word ranking.
Wenjun Tech is one of the enterprises declaring the whole-site-optimization firstly and rewarded as No.1 in this field. Until now we have implemented hundreds of whole-site-optimization projects.
3.Outsourcing services of content maintenance
Outsourcing services of content maintenance keeps the contents of website satisfying the needs of search engine by updating contents and building internal links which are beneficial in maintaining the freshness and importance of the contents, the ranking of websites and enterprises’ influence in the industries.
We have professional editorial team who study further according the industries of customers and write web site contents integrating the knowledge of SEO.
4. Outsourcing services of links building
Links, also known as hyperlinks, allow users to click their way from one page to the target page. They are essentially important for SEO and generally divided into internal links and external links.
We have sufficient relevant resources and techniques in outsourcing services of links building. The building of internal and external links is performed with white hat.
5. Outsourcing services of SEO maintenance
Outsourcing services of SEO maintenance would not allow falling but stable rising of the SEO effect. At present all attention are paid on the SEO construction while in fact the natural position will fall behind without SEO maintenance.
Outsourcing services of SEO maintenance, operated with white hat, can improve the site weight so that the effect of SEO could be keep stable.
6. Processing and maintenance of negative information
Business competition leads to negative information-ridden web. And those negative informations will possibly occupy the search engine when relevant key words are searched. While if there are only positive informations in the first two pages of search engine, the malicious frame-up by competitors could be avoided.
We have operated the processing and maintenance of negative information for many brands and we now are experienced in relevant technology and implementation.
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